Sunday, August 14, 2022

Monday, August 1, 2022

This Studs for You

New and improved Studs Terkel. My plan is keep redrawing all the old portraits again and again until I'm dead. 


Biz Wizards

New series of portraits for Crain's New York Business, featuring those bridging the gap between the business world and the New York community.

Kathy Wylde

Melinda Katz

Regina Myer

Andrew Rein


Thursday, June 9, 2022

Cut-Rate Emancipator


Bedbugs #788: During the “Booze and Breakfast” portion of the party, I swam through the air while my old college classmate horsed around in his creepy Abe Lincoln mask.

Subscribe to The Symptoms for updates on my condition.

Monday, June 6, 2022

Enter the Naggin'


I had sold the tickets, served the refreshments, darkened the one-room theater, and cranked the projector to serve the latest arthouse film du jour to the matinee audience.

Suddenly, the she threw open the door, flooding the room with Charlestonian sunshine, and yelled:


The vision still comes to me in the night, some thirty-plus years later, filling me with panic and revulsion.

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

"Hi, I'm Ruger"

New Symptoms post, all about the care and feeding of a potential mass shooter.
Remember to subscribe on Substack to have these uplifting essays delivered directly to your inbox, complete with amusing cartoon drawings.


Saturday, May 7, 2022

E.O. Wilson

Portrait of famed naturalist E.O. Wilson for the cover of the latest issue of Skeptical Inquirer.
Thanks to Alex Nicaise for the invite.


Monday, April 18, 2022

Karl May: The Boy Who Cried Winnetou

 If you grow up in Germany, you absorb the stories of Karl May, if not from his vast catalog of literary works then from the film adaptations of the 1960s. (Chances are good your parents had the soundtrack LP in the family record collection). May’s numerous volumes are such a staple of German culture that endless critical debates have raged over the generations, not as to whether or not his books are any good, but how exactly they uphold the ideals of one political faction over another. Everyone wants to adopt May as their own. Hitler was a fan, so rather than banning the books for their anti-nationalist leanings during the Nazi era, the stories were simply edited to promote wholesome German ideals rather than those of the decidedly non-white characters that May admired.